Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Birthday Song

The girls usually call immediate family members and sing to them on their birthday. The song is one we write and practice before making the call. (Have to do it by phone since all our family lives far away.)

Yesterday was my sister MeMe’s FIFTIETH Birthday. That’s 50. Half a century. So we wrote a special song for her and sang it to her last night.

MeMe ain’t it Nifty,
You turned Fifty,
MeMe ain’t it Nifty,
You turned Fifty,

We just called to say,
Happy Birthdaaaaaaaaay!!!!

MeMe ain’t it Nifty,
You turned Fifty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was wonderful. There is nothing in the world like answering your phone and then hearing three angels singing to you and your brother laughing manically in the background. I wish everyone had people that love them the way I do and I want to thank my angels, my brother Joseph and my sister Vickie for the love they so sweetly give.