Thursday, March 6, 2008

In the Still of the Night

It's nightime. The tranquility of the evening on this great planet Earth is upon us and most animals great and small prepare for thier daily period of rest. At least in most places, not my house.
With three small girls I'm keeping the earplug industry in business. "Daddy I want,,,," "She hit me,,,," "She hit me back,,,,," "That's my toy,,,," Yada Yada Yada. The sounds of love, freedom and the American way. We had ballet tonight, baths, dinner, thier hair's dry, night gowns are on and I have the Benedryl ready to pour. :) (dont call DFACs, I'm joking,,,,really,,,,I'm just joking)

Steph asked me to post race links for Currahee, so I posted what is available along with other information I've gleaned from the net. (History, prior challenge results etc) The 2008 race details and sign-up forms aren't available yet. I did, however, speak with a very friendly lady at the Toccoa Chamber of Commerce who said this information and details should be available by early summer. She took my address and promised to mail me everything she could. Here's a picture of Currahee.
Also, the image at the top of my homepage now is from the top of Currahee. Can you tell I'm serious about this? Focus, focus, focus!!! Keeping my eye on the ball!!
The Currahee Challenge is part of the Military Weekend in Toccoa. They have battle re-enactments, airborne demonstrations, museums, reunions etc. It looks to me like a lot of fun and a great history lesson for my girls. Well, my 8 year old anyway. My little ones are liable to take off and join the battle re-enactment. They bore easy.
Anyway, I'll keep posting more information as it becomes available.

Work out was good today. Very intense for over 32min on the treadmill. Due to work, kids, Vic, ballet, etc, etc, that's all I could get in today. But I had some additional incentive. I spoke with my good friend Greg Brown this morning and not only did he tell me Kerri (his wife) are expecting a baby boy in July, he asked me to join him for the mini-triathalon at Calloway Gardens in June. I'm considering it. (I can't believe I just wrote that. :0) I'm pretty sure I can do the bike and run portion by then. It's the swimming I'm concerned with. A 1,000 yd swim is tough for a novice like me and I've no where to train. And there's my elbow situation. Quite the challenge here, but I'll see what I can do.

A pic of the Alyssa and Hailey here, they're truly insane.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alright! Baby Browns and newbie triathletes! All good news!