Saturday, March 15, 2008

Vic - Trapped in Target

Doing some secret shopping today and ran into Target. I'd been there about 15 minutes when the tornado sirens went off and then the target employees directed us to their "Tornado Safe Zone", which just happened to be back in the domestic department (lots of pillows). We had to stay there roughly 30 minutes until the all clear was sounded. Finally got to get back to shopping when the sirens went off again, and back I go to my good ole' trusted spot. Fortunately I was never afraid for myself, but worried about Joe and the girls home alone in the basement. My cell had no signal that far back in the building, but I figured out I could text and receive messages so that's how I kept in touch with my family. I was next to a very nice couple from Nelson county, Jen and Blake (I think that was his name) and a pregnant lady who thought she was going to starve. Thanks to these folks, it was nice to get to know you given the circumstances, I enjoyed talking and laughing with you.

I would like to say one thing about the stupidity of some people. When tornado sirens go off and your told to go to the "safe zone" please do so and don't try to fight with people trying to keep your sorry butts from getting killed. I'm sorry you have a wedding to go to or someplace better you want to be, if you don't think things like this should be taken seriously just take a look at the local news tonight and be grateful that someone cared enough about you and your family to keep your dumb ass safe.

Pics from Target.

One last thing, on my way out of Target I couldn't find my car!! I walked the parking lot for 10 minutes trying to find it. I held the key alarm up in the air and tried to set off the car alarm, I went back to where I entered the store and tried to retrace my steps, I could not find the stupid Big Rig. I was headed back inside Target to call Joe and the police to report it stolen when it hit me......I wasn't driving the Big Rig,,,,,I was in Joe's car. Talk about a blond moment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to share a story with Vic. When she told of her blonde moment at Target looking for the wrong car, I had a blonde moment of my own that day that I thought she might appreciate. I was returning books to the library and I had 14 bills ready to place in the mail box. So, at 9:30 on a Saturday night I drove straight to the Library and put all of my bills in the overnight book drop, then got back in my car and headed for the post office before I realized my mistake. I wanted Vic to know that it must have been a day for we moms everywhere to loose our heads.

By the way, I am e-mailing from Kona. The kids and I just got back from night snorkeling with manta rays. It was the most amazing thing I can remember since we watched the space shuttle take off up-close and personal. Tomorrow we are going to swim with dolphis in the ocean and later visit the erupting volcano. What a week. We are so lucky.

Tell everyone hello, talk to you soon.
